Milky Way is explained more clearly on the Wikipedia website, click
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The Milky Way galaxy has a lot of star clusters that are very beautiful and fascinating. This is a favorite destination and observation for Amateur Astronomy (Stargazing), because in this area is a place for many sky objects of interest. first when I was a kid (in the 80's and 90's), the stars are still visible clearly in my hometown. even nebulae and the Milky Way path is very obvious. looks gray in the sky stretches in the south and the north. but now it is a lot of changes in my hometown, air pollution and light pollution blocking the light of the stars at night. street in my hometown is getting crowded by vehicles and lots of street lighting lamps. even downtown Cepu located 1 km from my home has been transformed from its original banyan tree park into a park with thousand lights.
Below is one example of the Binocular Astronomy devoted to purposes and observations of celestial objects in the sky. Binocular this type is also known by the term Binocular Astronomy.
Since my little hobby of watching the stars in the night sky, even I
also bought a used binoculars from my neighbor, to be made a tool for
menamati the night sky. until now I am still using the binoculars and
modify it into a single scope. The body of the binoculars is no trace
of writing (half erased): Super Zenith 12 × 50 field 5 degrees and made
in Japan. 12×50 indicates this Bino magnification of 12 times with 5 cm
aperture objective lens and 5-degree viewing angle of observation.
with a magnification of 12 times, of course, can not be used to see: the
rings of Saturn, the planet's surface, double stars (double star), ring
nebulae, and galaxies far (deep space galaxy). and below is the ordinary binoculars, which I often use for Stargazing:

although this Bino is not specifically for Astronomy but his ability've tested. I used to observe: the surface of the Moon, comets Halle-Bopp (1997), observed the Andromeda galaxy, observed the planet Jupiter and its main satellite (2010), observed many star clusters that are wonderfull. like a star cluster in Sagittarius, Scorpius star cluster, Perseus double cluster, Orion Nebula, some Globular clusters and my favorite The Jewel Box cluster. I even wrote a few articles that discuss the objects that I mentioned were: (click to read the article)
>> Antares Its a Brilliant Red Star in Scorpius
>> Beautifull double cluster in Perseus
>> The amazing star Jewel Box cluster
>> Deep Space Objects on Sagittarius
>> Enjoy The Beautiful Night Sky with Binoculars
Binocular is very useful for observations of stars in the Milky Way nebula lines, because this is where we encounter usually star cluster (cluster) and globular clusters. with the help of binoculars, we can see more clearly that the track "Milky Way" which is the usual mta seen "gray", would appear to look like a collection of stars are very dense. Just try to observe on the "Milky Way" which passes through the constellation Scorpius and Sagittarius, as shown in the picture star below:

The picture looks path that crosses the Milky Way constellation of Sagittarius (the center of the photo) and the tail of Scorpius constellation (bottom right photo). This photo was taken with certain techniques (long exposures, special filters, and a wide aperture lens), with the naked eye we will only see this section with gray. to see more clearly, it will provide additional vision binoculars are quite large. color stars would be more obvious if using binoculars or a telescope with an aperture of the objective lens which is very wide. the photo above shows the nebula and the Milky Way pathway inhabited by billions of stars with high density. not only that, globular clusters and clusters will also be more easily found with the help of binoculars. on binoculars, Globular clusters would seem like a small gray ball and star cluster looks like a bunch of stars are quite brilliant. Below is the map for konstellasi Sagittarius and Scorpius: (lane or the Milky Way depicted in purple).

you can also visit this related video on Youtube: