This FM signal amplifier will improve the performance and reception of FM radio receiver or FM tuner. This signal booster can improve the adding signal quality of distant FM stations. the result is better than the built-in telescopic whip antenna or antenna provided (if not use any signal amplifier).
Picture of MMIC BGA614
in my video Youtube below, I use MMC BGA614 from Infineon as an active component. Signal amplifiers with MMIC have advantages, it can be a stable performance, without cross-modulation, low noise and high gain. Signal amplifier Amplifier with MMIC often referred as LNA (Low Noise Amplifier). in video test, you can see that my FM receiver (Weierwei UV-3R) have improved signal of +100 km FM transmitter. This signal booster is good on the entire FM spectrum. Please click on the image below to watch the video:
For complete schematic circuit, PCB layout, aerial FM and video test you can check video link above. This picture is below schematic circuit FM signal amplifier with MMIC BGA614:
component parts list:
4x diode 1N4148
3x capacitor 10nF
1x capacitor 220nF
2x capacitor 100nF
1x electrolytic capacitor 22uF/25V
1x MMIC BGA614
1x IC LM7805
1x resistor 12 ohm
1x resistor 68 ohm
1x inductor coil 270nH
if your radio FM receiver experience a weak signal, you can simply create a MMIC signal amplifier FM or known as LNA (low noise amplifier).