Smartphones and Tablets will generally experience problems of decreasing battery health after used in a few years, battery health can be seen from the size of the estimated battery capacity compared to the designed battery capacity.
My Huawei dtab tablet (Docomo d-02H) has been used for years, but now it can only work for a short time, this is due to problems in the battery health that have dropped.
I checked with the AccuBattery application to detect battery health, and this tablet has an estimated battery capacity at 928mAh, the battery capacity value is below 1000mAh for Tablet devices with an 8 inch screen is very insufficient and should have been replaced with a new battery or a battery with a better capacity, at least the capacity is 3000mAh. So I decided to do a battery replacement.

In my local shopping online marketplaces application, I found that someone sells used battery cells from Samsung Tablet (GT-P3100) at a fairly low price IDR 27000 (equal to +/- USD 2) with an estimated battery capacity of 3022mAh. this would probably be suitable for replacing the battery of my Huawei Tablet. then I bought it.
after I obtained the Samsung battery, I carried out the battery replacement process on the Huawei Tablet. For more details, you can see the video on Youtube by clicking on the following image:

I moved the battery protection board and its connectors from the Huawei tablet battery to the Samsung battery cell. I soldered only on the nickel joints on the battery pins and also on the battery protection board. The aluminum pins in the battery cell are usually difficult to solder. I connected the battery pins to the battery protection board by using a solid copper cable wire. After soldering the battery protection board to the Samsung battery cell, then I tried and tested whether it could work on the Huawei Tablet.
The Samsung battery body has dimensions that are slightly thicker than the original battery built into the Huawei Tablet dtab d-02H so I removed the white coating sticker attached to the battery body with the aim of reducing its thickness. a thicker battery than its supposed size could result in the tablet body not being able to fit properly.
To find out the capacity of that newly installed battery, I deleted the old data in the Accubattery app. The trick is to enter the Android settings section, manage applications, select the AccuBattery application, and click "Clear data". then run the Accubattery application again. After doing so many times the battery charge and discharge process, in the AccuBattery application it is detected that the estimated battery is 3278mAh. the more quantity the charge and discharge process monitored by AccuBattery, the more accurate the battery health detection process will be.
so using a different brand battery as a replacement for a Tablet battery that has dropped in capacity or has been damaged can be done as an alternative if you have difficulty finding a replacement for the original battery or the price of a new original battery that is considered expensive.