Many people have trouble saving money. some even had absolutely no have savings. but there is the simplest way to start saving. money that is set aside income and frugality of expenditures. one that can be done is to own some trivial chores that usually we leave it to others to do so. this is many ways to thicken your wallet:
1. Stop watching television
stop watching television, especially low quality shows. This is a big step frugality.
you will get more opportunities to do something else and focus on the things usable and more efficient in electricity.
2. Hold for 30 days
wait for 30 days before buying something and ask yourself if after waiting you still want to buy the item?
to ensure lust just buy has passed and you have saved your money for waiting.
you can even make a list of items you wish to purchase and maturity to wait for the next 30.
3. Drink more water
try drinking more water before a big meal.
you will get a cleaner digestive and healthy, eating less, and the savings from the food bill.
4. Wash your own car's air filter.
air filters clean the car is very simple and can be done within a few minutes.
you can get a clean air filter, which can help work fuel up to 7 percent.
5. Saving of costs haircut
try the service of the students who were studying in hairdressing training center.
you will get the hair styled by students with the supervision of his teacher.
6. Use natural ingredients for lip gloss and other cosmetics
eg using honey for lip gloss. in addition to a more natural, you will get a bonus plus health beauty benefits.
7. More thoroughly with your shopping bill
supermarket checkout when entering your groceries into the machine counted, it is also possible they enter the wrong item or the price.
check the spending bill before nerlalu from the cashier.
8. Reduce smoking
start slowly, but do it with discipline.
you are going to skimp on the cost of cigarettes, ease if you want to stop, and avoid withdrawal symptoms in the process.
9. Frugality in cafe
ask for smaller portions. you will get a more delicious coffee due to high concentrates. Small portions are also more efficient.
10. Make sure your hands stay clean
wash hands thoroughly to avoid diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
you will mendaptkan fewer treatment bills and reduced unproductive days due to illness.
11. Use fruit vinegar for cleaning replacement standard
you can use old techniques in cleaning the furniture is quite effective.
use liquid fruit vinegar mixed with water to clean windows, plastic surfaces, and other goods.